About Us - A Family Affair
Gaylene Williams
Hi, I'm Gaylene Williams. I opened my first early childcare centre over 30 years ago, Elizabeth Avenue Daycare.
How this came about was I had 3 young children of my own and was a keen playcentre mum. During this time I became interested in early childhood education and could see how important children’s first five years are.
To start with I leased a centre and trained as a ECE teacher; this led into the purchase of Elizabeth Avenue. A few years later I moved to the Kapiti coast where I saw a need for quality early childhood centres. Here I purchased and built a few more centres. I now have quality Early Childhood services from Foxton to Upper Hutt.
All the centres I own each have a very unique character about them. Each service has based its philosophy around the needs of the community. Not one is the same!! Over time I have immersed my passion for animals and rural living into a few of my centre’s philosophies. Little Farm, Farmhouse and Farmyard all have a rural feel and children are supported and encouraged to learn about respecting and caring for animals.
My three girls are now adults and have followed my foot steps. All of them are qualified ECE teachers who are involved in the operation and teaching at my centres on the coast. Over time I have expanded my own philosophy through training. I gained my graduate Montessori Diploma which is now intertwined into all my centres.
If you're interested in one of our centres and you'd like an idea about child care costs, please complete our CONTACT form, and we'll be in touch with you shortly.