Our Foxton Programme

At Foxton Preschool and Nursery, we will uphold our commitment to our learners and whanau by staying true to and living our centre philosophy in everyday practice. Below are our values we believe are needed in providing the best for our tamariki.

Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship and Protection. We believe the environment to be the third teacher which needs to be respected and nurtured of all its being while being rich in learning. We ensure we set up age appropriate activities inside and out for tamariki to explore and learn at their own pace in each classroom.

Rangatiratanga - Leadership. We strongly believe in scaffolding our learners to develop self-determination, leadership and independence. We believe in teachers leading by example within their interactions with all. Tamariki have their separate classrooms based on their age and stages, however we also gather centre wide to support tuakana teina where the older tamariki have the oppurtunity to role model and support their younger peers. Tamariki have the opportunities to discover new ideas and master these in real world experiences.

Whanaungatanga - Relationships. At Foxton Preschool and Nursery we are one big extended family who value each other and recognize the extended levels in which a child learns. This includes, immediate family, our extended family, our community and the surrounding environment. By practicing these values we are committed to upholding the principles in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

 Pukengatanga - Having a place of belonging or identity. Kaiako work to each others strengths to provide the best for our tamariki. Teachers are committed to upskilling their knowledge to provide positive outcomes for children. Our kaiako are highly skilled and trained to ensure the best care and learning is provided to tamariki. They ensure each tamaiti is cherished and loved. We support each tamaiti through planning and evaluation supporting their interests and incorporating whanau input to what values they want their tamariki to learn.

Manaakitanga Showing support, kindness and hospitality. We believe it is important that every person who is a part of our Foxton Preschool and Nursery family feels they are welcomed, valued and cared for. We have an open door policy and encourage whanau involvement. We are responsive and acknowledge each other’s mana, respecting another’s point of view and perspectives where all feel valued. Tamariki are the heart of our service, each individual is cherished and supported to achieve and reach their goals.