Our Little Waves Programme
At Little Wavs Early Learning Centre our focus is to support tamariki individual learning through an intentional daily programme, where kaiako support and extend tamariki learning through the use of Learning Outcome Goals seen within Te Whāriki. This is achieved through providing exciting mahi where tamariki can extend their thinking and physical development. We encourage tamariki to try new things and push themselves to gain new skills.
Tamariki have the freedom to explore their mahi at their own pace.
Within our nursery we follow the lead of tamariki and their routines they have at home. We provide a safe nurturing environment for tamariki to develop their fine and gross motor skills utilizing the inside and outside environment.
Our preschool provides a learning environment that is exciting and enriching where tamariki have the opportunities to develop new skills and strengthen their existing knowledge. Tamariki learn skills to support their transition to school such as recognizing their name and belongings, being able to sit and participate in mat times and work together within a group environment.
The local curriculum is fundamental within our daily program and we incorporate this through out the learning of tamariki. Whaea Meg a local kapa haka teacher comes to Little Waves to teach our tamariki new songs and dances threading current themes within this.
The tamariki have the opportunity to attend Kapiti Gymnastics Club fortnightly to strengthen their physical skills in a safe environment.